播客  >  脱口秀
发布于:2024-02-14 10:08

主播:梅莉 | 翩翩

♬ 歌曲 : I See You 《阿凡达》主题曲

Avatar 2: The Way of Water (水之道)已经上映。

这部电影已经passes $1.4 billion at the global box office(全球票房14亿美金),已经在成为the top selling movie released in 2022(2022年上映的最畅销电影)的路上。

很火的Top Gun: Maverick(《壮志凌云2:独行侠》)generated 1.49 billion in sales(卖了14.9亿),相信Avatar 很快就会surpass(超过)《壮志凌云》系列。在Rotten Tomatoes(烂番茄)上面,audience score is 92 out of 100(观众给出了92分),对这部电影的评价很高。

接下来,我们一起来聊一聊,some interesting facts about this movie(电影背后的趣事)。

Fact 1 - Avatar was written in 1994

阿凡达的故事写于1994年,但迟迟没有开拍,导演James Cameron一直在等待相应的技术to transform his imagination to reality(把想象变为现实)。

Fact 2 - In Avatar they speak the Na’vi language, 1000 words of this language was created by a linguist.

语言学家Dr. Paul Frommer为了这部电影,创造了1000个单词,他创造的这种语言叫 Na’vi language,然后他教给the cast(演员们)。对于演员们来说,it seems like it was a lot of work(工作量巨大)!

Fact 3 - China renamed a mountain after Avatar


在电影《阿凡达》中,有一个Pandora's floating pillar(悬浮山),it is inspired by China’s Zhangjiajie National Forest Park(是受张家界森林公园的启发)。After the stupendous success of the first Avatar movie(在第一部《阿凡达》电影取得巨大成功之后),张家界管委会就把它改名为: Avatar Hallelujah Mountain。

•stupendous /stu:ˈpendəs/ adj. 惊人的;了不起的

Fact 4 - Underwater Motion Capture Was Invented For Avatar 2


之前拍水下的戏份,都是通过suspending actors from cables(将演员悬挂在电缆上),然后adding CGI water afterward(后期用CGI电脑特技加水)。但是,James Cameron觉得 it doesn’t look real(看上去不真实),he is not a fan of this technique at all(他对此一点都不喜欢)。所以,he got a team together(他组建了一个团队),并且发明了a completely new technology and process(全新的技术和拍摄过程)。

•suspend /səˈspend/ v. 挂;悬

这种新的Underwater Motion Capture(水下动作拍摄)involved a 900,000-gallon water tank(用了90万加仑的水箱),演员要训练 free dive(自由潜水),还用了some crazy new camera system(一些疯狂的新摄像系统),这些科技是一些普通观众连“装懂”都懂不了的技术。

This innovation seems to be mesmerizing audiences.这种革新令观众着迷。

•mesmerize /ˈmezməraɪz/ vt. 迷住

Fact 5 - Each Avatar Sequel Works As A Standalone Movie, so this means you won’t have to have seen any of the other movies to enjoy the one you’re watching.

Avatar sequel (阿凡达续集),每一部都是a standalone movie(独立的电影),所以you won’t have to have seen any of the other movies to enjoy the new one(你不用看之前的电影就能欣赏新电影)!

•sequel /ˈsi:kwəl/ n. (书或电影的) 续篇,续集

•standalone /ˈstændəˌloʊn/ adj. 单独的,独立的

《阿凡达》两部中间隔的时间太长,既然每一部是a standalone movie,那就不用管前面的有没有看或者记不记得了,享受最新的完全没压力。

主播梅莉看了Avatar 2: The Way of Water ,她的观影感受是:

really enjoyed it 非常喜欢

a little bit worried when she saw that it was a 3 hour long movie 3个小时的电影容易让人坐不住

really didn’t see the time pass 看起来没注意到时间的流逝

the storyline was really captivating 故事情节真的很抓人

•captivating /ˈkæptɪveɪtɪŋ/ adj.迷人的

